Custom Auto Journey

Full Version: 1950 Chrysler Windsor Project PART 2
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Part 2: The Go Through

It finally came down to the weekend to start looking through the Windsor and to see what came with it.  When I originally went to look and pick up the car, it was full of parts and what not.   Didn't really go through it since I could see rat droppings in the car. Best to wait until I had better gear.  

Earlier that Sunday morning, I went to Home Depot and picked up some hazmat suits. As I started going through the car, I started to find inside and outside trim pieces that were not on the car. I started to put those aside and continue to go through the car.   In the backseat, were door cards.  They could of seen better days. The side mirrors were also inside the car. I moved all of those out and put on tractor's trailer which would eventually be brought up to the house garage attic for safe storage (This is where I keep all of my cars parts that i do not need at the moment.).

In the trunk was a spare tire in its holding area. I also found the started for the car.  Looked beat up and rusted.   Once interesting thing I did find was it had some sort of large spot light mounted to the trunk wheel well.   I have dome some research and cant say that it came factory like this or someone in the past installed it.   Maybe someone will know.

Once I got everything out of the car, I started to vacuum everything inside. I think I may have probably vacuumed a couple pounds of stuff that has collected over the years.

I will tell you this, the inside of the car is night and day once I cleared out the parts and vacuumed it up.

Things that I noticed that will need to be repaired:

  1. Dash on the drivers side is rusted.
  2. Floor boards under the carpet are crunchy when pressure is applied.  You can also see where the floor boards meet the rocker panels are rotted through.
  3. The truck floor is not that bad, some areas will need to be cut and patches applied.
  4. The bottom of the hood where the trip piece sits has a rust hole.
  5. Overall, the trunk lid is in pretty good shape, but it just does not latch when closed.
  6. Some of the steering column switches are either broken or missing.
  7. Most of the windows need to be replaced.   The driver and passenger door windows are missing.   The rear passenger and drivers side windows are their but have cracks in them. 
  8. The windshield glass does not look bad, but the coating is coming off. Probably the best glass that may stay is the rear glass.
  9. The head lights are missing, and the tail lights mostly have cracks on them.
